Get your game ON
With Ultimate Game

About Us
Ultimate Game is an online gaming provider in Thailand. The company was formed from a gathering of experienced investors in the online gaming industry such as; Game publishers, E-sport, payment platform and online tournament platform as internationally. Ultimate Game aims to provide a professional service that connects users and community together. Ultimate Game also aims to expand the community to be interaction and find social experiences of good gaming.
Ultimate Game has a vision to create a good online gaming society by focusing on providing services and developing an online community platform that will meet the needs of both fun and gaming. Sharing experiences with new friends as well as providing services that increase the benefits and quality of providing an efficiently to reach the highest standards. Giving those gamers a good experience from Ultimate Game Company.
Jan 2023 |
Ultimate Game plans to link partners-members and create a good community in collaboration with Gamiqo to add the most comfortable services to Ultimate Game’s members such as; a variety of payment channel services, creating channels for sharing gaming experiences, provide Privilege system that allow members to enjoy additional benefits from gaming, providing game contests through Online platform including organizing events with various marketing partners. We also focus on expanding its efficient services to the global.
Jan 2023 |

Our Service
Game online
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publish and market games and invest in projects and games developers.
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Media PR / Digital Marketing / Traditional Marketing / Event organization
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technology used by merchants to accept debit or credit card purchases from customers.

- Set up company & Registration.
- Office setup.
- Manpower plan
- Create platform
to build loyalty for community.
- Release 1st game around Q3 of the year. [TH territory]
- Release 2nd game around Q2
of the year. [TH territory]
- Release 3rd game around Q4 in this year
[ SEA territory]

Our Team.
Ultimate Game ‘s management team creatively and want to expand their knowledge of technology including Game online. The primary goal is to build
a game online company in Bangkok and publishing a variety of game online in Thailand with a professional and friendly environment.